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Owner's Name
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Home Phone Number
Work Phone Number
Pager/Cell Phone Number
Fax Number
Shipping Address
City, State ZIP
Mare's Name
Registration Number

In consideration of the stallion service fee of $1500.00, minus a non-refundable booking fee of $_______ this agreement is entered into by Skipa Heathen Ventures (hereinafter "stallion owner") and ____________________ (hereinafter "mare owner"), for the service of the stallion Skipa Heathen, Registration #175,658, for the year 200__.

  1. Requirements/conditions: Mare owner is responsible for having their veterinarian perform a breeding soundness exam on the above mare, including a uterine culture and cytology on all non- maiden mares, and forward the results to the stallion owner/agent prior to semen shipment. Mare owner hereby understands that at least 24 hr advance notice must be provided stallion owner/agent for semen collection and shipment. Requests must be received by 12 noon PST. Semen will be shipped in a cooled container, priority overnight. If same day service is necessary, accommodations will be made subject to air carrier availability, and acceptance. Mare owner will be responsible for ALL shipping expenses, which includes a courier fee. Transported semen paperwork sent with the semen must be completed and returned per the instructions. The Breeding season for this contract begins February 1st and ends July 1st.
  2. Mare owner receiving semen must pay stallion fee in full before any shipments are made. Containers must be returned, complete, in good condition and received within 5 business days or be subject to a $10.00 per day rental fee.
  3. Stallion service fee includes one (1) shipment of semen during the season and all postage/freight. If the mare does not conceive after 3 shipments, the mare owner must contact the stallion owner/agent before additional shipments will be sent.
  4. Live color foal guarantee with exceptions-(donated breedings carry a live foal guarantee only). Stallion owner guarantees a return breeding the following season (only) should the above mare fail to deliver a live foal (described as one which stands and nurses without assistance). Should the above mare fail to deliver a live foal, stallion owner/agent must receive evidence of such an occurrence in the form of a veterinarian's certificate within ten days of the known occurrence. There are no guarantees on re-breeds and they are subject to the attached fee schedule.
  5. Mare owner will provide the stallion owner with a copy of the mare's registration certificate showing the correct ownership of the mare, and, if leased, copies of the official lease form.
  6. Breeder's certificate will be issued to the Mare Owner after all fees have been paid and when mare delivers a live foal.
  7. If a solid foal should result from this breeding, mare owner is guaranteed the following: Mare owner may re-breed the above named mare for one half the normal breeding fee the following season with applicable fees. The mare owner may substitute another mare with the stallion owner's approval. Should the above named stallion die or become unfit for service, and the mare has not been bred nor semen shipped, this contract becomes null and void. The breeding fee will be refunded and only expenses will be due. If frozen semen is available, then the mare owner shall be supplied with frozen semen as a replacement for other methods of breeding, subject to the deposits required per the then-current semen shipping fee schedule.
  8. Inquire for frozen semen availability.

Stallion Owner and/or Agent


Mare Owner


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